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Introduction to Hakomi


Hakomi diverges from traditional counseling methods by paying attention to both the verbal dialogue and to signs of inner processes, like touching on an unexpected emotion, changes in physical posture, or other indicators of beliefs, memories, and ways of seeing the world that are not normally available to the conscious mind.

We approach these signs with curiosity and may suggest brief experiments done in a state of mindfulness.  "Mindfulness" just refers to turning your attention inside and noticing your current experience.  If something stands out, you make a brief report as to what, if anything, you are experiencing.

Following these clues, we can often gain insight to unconscious beliefs and perceptions that shape the way you live and the choices that get in the way of living the life you want.  Once the unconscious material is made conscious, it can be reexamined, understood by your adult self, and changed.

Although this is pretty much all you need to know about the Hakomi method, there are several in-depth articles under the "About Hakomi" heading for those who are interested in the details.

Ultimately, Hakomi is best understood through your own experience of the work.

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